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We design
and develop
solutions for digital healthcare

About us

Technology at the service of processes and digitalisation

Agile develops and implements software in the healthcare sector.

Agile is a design and strategic consultancy company oriented towards the creation of innovative projects and solutions for healthcare which it implements through the work of its own staff by designers, analysts, developers, assistants and researchers, easy-to-use and high-tech software. capable of meeting the needs of the healthcare sector and individual customers.

The experience and knowledge consolidated over the years have projected the company towards design goals of high functional and technological profile, also achieved on the basis of the contribution of partners and customers with whom Agile has a continuous exchange of knowledge and skills.
Agile designs solutions and innovates mainly in the fields of:

    • Digital Health
    • Internet of Things
    • Research & Development


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Agile supports customers in the implementation paths of innovation projects. The company’s skills cover both technical, organizational and management areas, making available professionals capable of providing consultancy and management services for heterogeneous and highly complex projects.


The company focuses on continuous internal development projects to improve and expand its application portfolio and develops ad hoc projects for its Customers and Prospects. Continuous Research and Development projects for the improvement of its know-how are implemented through important collaborations with companies, industrial consortia, research bodies and universities.


Agile has chosen to use the best state-of-the-art technologies for software development and for the creation of complex systems in the Digital Health field. A team of developers and systems engineers constantly monitors and studies the new technologies made available by the market and the scientific communities, in order to verify their value and the possibility of using them in production or in Research & Development projects.


Agile offers technical and functional assistance services to its Customers in on-site or remote mode, even in 24/365 mode. The continuous help desk service for its customers is today one of the services most appreciated by our public health customers.


Agile supports customers in the implementation paths of innovation projects. The company’s skills cover both technical, organizational and management areas, making available professionals capable of providing consultancy and management services for heterogeneous and highly complex projects.


The company focuses on continuous internal development projects to improve and expand its application portfolio and develops ad hoc projects for its Customers and Prospects. Continuous Research and Development projects for the improvement of its know-how are implemented through important collaborations with companies, industrial consortia, research bodies and universities.


Agile has chosen to use the best state-of-the-art technologies for software development and for the creation of complex systems in the Digital Health field. A team of developers and systems engineers constantly monitors and studies the new technologies made available by the market and the scientific communities, in order to verify their value and the possibility of using them in production or in Research & Development projects.


Agile offers technical and functional assistance services to its Customers in on-site or remote mode, even in 24/365 mode. The continuous help desk service for its customers is today one of the services most appreciated by our public health customers.


Le collaborazioni con i Partners rappresentano le fondamenta della filosofia di AGILE che negli anni ha costruito relazioni soprattutto in ambito di Ricerca&Sviluppo, con importanti interlocutori istituzionali e soprattutto con diverse Università e Centri di Ricerca. Tra i Partners privati un rapporto privilegiato intercorre con EHT di cui Agile è tra i soci fondatori.

Last news


The most efficient technological proposals in the field of digitalisation.

Our best solutions arise from the study of the customer’s needs and the reference sector.
The study of the business area is fundamental to identify and interpret the need for technological modernization and to improve the quality of life and performance in private companies and public administrations.



CliniClick is the management software platform of the hospital information system, which allows the complete management of the Medical Records, the Emergency Room, the Operating Rooms and the Admission, Transfer and Discharge process of patients in all the Operating Units. CliniClick guarantees full compatibility and usability of the system via any workstation (Windows, Mac, Linux) and from tablet devices (iOS, Android).



Agile, as the assignee of the tender announced by the A.O. Papardo for the development of emergency room and code pink management software, created in collaboration with the IT systems unit of the same A.O. , the innovative NAGE First Aid software (New Emergency Management Application), which natively manages the Pink Code Path and is available in the AgId for Reuse catalogue.


WikiRoads Map

WikiRoads Map è un progetto di Ricerca e Sviluppo costruito grazie ai fondi PAC del MIUR – Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca. Il progetto ha come obiettivo la realizzazione di un sistema collaborativo che sfrutta in maniera organica ed innovativa il flusso di dati originato dalle infrastrutture stradali e dal territorio circostante, applicando tecnologie di analisi semantica per l’estrazione, la raccolta, l’integrazione e la pubblicazione di dati.



Clinihome is an application for remote patient management. The project is a telemedicine software that provides the possibility – for the doctor – to manage their patients outside the hospital structure.

Used at the time of the Covid-19 emergency, it can also be used for the management of other pathologies and for chronic and/or de-hospitalized patients.



CCE – Innovative architecture for the digital management of clinical data in the oncology field, is a Research and Development project whose aim was the creation of an Electronic Medical Record platform specialized in the management of oncology data through the use of Smart Cards supplied to patients and containing all health data and the systems that enable their consultation following the regulations on security and privacy.