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Our partner

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is a progress, working together is a success.”

                                                                                                                                                   Henry Ford

Agile has always believed in proactive and effective collaboration between local entities and beyond. “Our network organization allows us to be efficient and versatile” – states the CEO of Agile, Salvatore Finocchiaro, in defining the peculiarities of the company.
The relationships between companies, consortia and institutions, in fact, are the basis of the configuration of a company that intends to design successful solutions.

EHT is a Stable Consortium of ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) companies for participation in public procurement which brings together 42 SMEs throughout the national territory and which is based in the Etna Valley.
It was founded as a joint-stock consortium company in 2005 and became a stable consortium in the services sector in 2015, placing itself at the forefront at a national and international level, operating as a general contractor in the field of tenders in the private sector. As an Innovative SME, it is engaged in constant research and development activities, also through participation in large industrial research and experimental development projects, which also involve Universities and research bodies.

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